Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The beginning of something new

Give back the Plaque is a new blog focusing on the extreme misused of disabled parking placards.  As the father of a severely disabled daughter, we DO have a parking plaque, that we only use when she is with us.
But almost everywhere we go, EVERY single disabled parking spot is taken.
And it's fairly obvious, that most people using these spots are in no way unable to walk the length of a parking lot.
believe me, I'd much rather have my daughter walk and park 100 yards away!  But we simply need a bigger space to get her and her wheelchair in and out of the car.
Feel free to contact us at taylorspespective@gmail.com with your great photos, videos and stories of how you convinced someone that they shouldn't abuse these placards!
PLEASE NO PHYSICAL CONFRONTATIONS!  But we're looking for bold individuals, tired of people using this system as a VIP parking privilege.
Here are some photos from the recent BNP Paribas Tennis tournament in Indian Wells.  This many handicap parkers in just ONE of the designated lots?

I saw two people in wheelchairs this day.  I even saw a volunteer (required to be on their feet for hours at a time) hopping into one of these cars.
It's time to stop this and help those who really need these spots!
Can you help us?